Finding Tenants


You need to find a tenant, I know how to find them. Let’s talk rentals!

Setting a Price

By creating a comprehensive market analysis, I will determine the current market value of your rental. We’ll factor in the location, price, and specific features/amenities. We’ll review this research together and set a price.

TIP: Update Your Rental - Sometimes all you need is a fresh coat of paint or new flooring! blog: adding value to your home

Deciding what utilities and fees are included

There’s lots of ways to entice renters to your place. Here are a few things to decide upon whether or not to include when listing your rental:

  • Electric

  • Heat

  • Water

  • Gas

  • Pet Deposit

Marketing your Unit

We’ll work with a professional copy editor to create a vivid description of your property that explains in clear language exactly what a renter can expect. High-quality photography and video walkthroughs will be used to round out the listing. Once all of your assets are compiled and approved, I list them on all of the multiple listing services that are relevant to potential tenants. Here, agents will be able to find your home for their renters, as well as anyone who happens to be searching on sites like Zillow. Once renters know about your property, we’ll set up a showing schedule that works for you. The more available you can make your property for showings, the more traffic we’ll be able to generate.

Your home will be promoted on the following sites/networks: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, RE/MAX, Adwerx Network of Advertising (Amazon, CNN/FOX, ESPN, and more…), Google Ads, Zillow, Realtor, and Trulia.

Choosing A Tenant

Here come the applications. There’s a lot to consider when selecting a tenant. Together, we’ll review each one and choose the best and most reliable tenant based off of an extensive background and credit check. At this point, we can also negotiate lease terms and a move-in date.