Finding a Rental


Whether you’re looking to rent an apartment, condo, or a home, I’ll make sure you find a great fit in this fast-paced market!

Defining your Search

When it comes to picking the right place, there are a few factors to think about. The first thing you’ll have to decide on is your budget. Next, we’ll narrow in on a location or two that work best for you. Proximity to work, school, and/or family and friends are all things to consider when picking a location. Finally, you’ll have to decide which amenities you require (washer/dryer, parking, gym, pool, etc.).


Checking out rentals

Once we narrow down your favorite homes, we will schedule a time that works best to visit them. Please keep in mind that the rental market moves rather quickly, and great apartments do not last long! Although sites like Zillow and Trulia are helpful, they’re not always accurate. This is where my MLS accessibility comes into play. I will set you up on what we call a, “drip campaign” that will automatically send you all of the properties available within your specific criteria. I’ll also hand-pick some of the best fits for us to check out. Whenever you see properties you like, we will set up showings so we can both see it live and in person.


Submitting an Application and Closing

Once you’ve found a property you like, it’s time to submit an application.

The application process includes:

credit check

background check
(a copy of your driver’s license and social security is typically requested)

proof of employment

proof of income
(landlords often require pay stubs and bank statements)

Once the landlord accepts your application the following will be required in the form of certified checks:

one and a half month's rent as security

pet deposit, if any

first month's rent

broker fee


I know it’s already been mentioned, but it’s worth saying again. I usually only recommend to start looking for a rental when you are ready to move, mostly in part to the fast-paced market.